Friday, September 25, 2009

a list

- hike a mountain

- write an album

- write a play

- write a novel

- invent something useful

- build a house (or a bookshelf)

- brew beer

- learn how to shoot a gun

- learn how to ride a horse

- learn how to deliver a baby

- survive the apocalypse

- conquer stupid fears

- publish poetry

- go spelunking

- visit Europe

- visit Antarctica

- learn how to swim

- learn how to deal with time

Saturday, September 12, 2009


"chase it, and it'll chase you."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


wild-eyed. flail. come to rest. wild-eyed. flail. come to rest.

shouting into gray. gray shouts into white. white listens. speaks with a black tongue.

in dream, i painted shadows with a brush. i moved faster than everyone else, faster than light, even. i myself did not have, did not need, a shadow. i worked for the light yet moved faster than it.

repeat myself. repeat myself.

woke up before the sun. stayed in sheets. slept again.

late for work, so late i should be fired. but the boss is foaming at the mouth at the top of a wooden ladder. hanging up chinese dragons by strings.

on way home, i walk like a drunk driver. through the evening's violent glow. past my apartment. all the way west. sit like an indian on the dying grass. watch the careful flicker of the airstrip. beyond the murmuring arterial of the interstate.

the first fall wind in the trees.