"A way to avoid second-guessing yourself is “to have other people make the decision so you don’t later obsess about having made the wrong choice,” he said. “You might still be unhappy, but you’ll just feel dissatisfied, as opposed to also feeing angry at yourself for not having picked another option.”"
and now, though the words have always been there, someone has arranged them in an order and i am feeling the effect.
"now the real work can begin."
that's what i keep running away from. doing any real work. just devoting an absurd amount of time to thinking about it: it's incredibly easy for me to just over-think a subject, draw out all of its possibilities, all of its consequences, all of its meanings, sub-meanings, sub-sub-meanings ... then i convince myself, entering into a strange loop (ingeniously constructed) that not thinking about is wrong, that i would somehow miss something important if i didn't consider everything from every angle possible (impossible) -
something to consider.
tattoo ideas:
either a representation on the back of my hands, or a sleeve of the labyrinth pattern. down to the elbow.
.. and the words "steal compass / drive north / disappear". somewhere.
don't comment. i'm eventually gonna get them all. ... maybe not the sleeve. maybe.
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