Monday, September 22, 2008

lately: ideas for stories, and yet, no writing.  can't blame it on an input-output phase.  hate it when people ask me "how the writing's coming."  it's not something that happens constantly.  idiots.  it's not like i AM a writer, so that i can be constantly expected to have updates for you.  james is a photographer - it's what he does.  he takes pictures, always wishes he had his camera on him.  gets up, goes places, takes pictures.  you can ask him how his photography is coming.  not me.  but then, photos are more immediate.  writing ... not so much.

"destrudo, or, destrado" is the title of a book that _____ _______ is working on.  it is about a boy who, when lucid dreaming, commits suicide - nightly.  



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where have you gone to these last few months?